Friday, January 30, 2015


The passage for January is Philippians 1:1-2:

    Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus,
    To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons:
    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are new to this reading plan, follow the instructions on the right side of this page or click here to read the "Why Just One Letter" introduction article.

Throughout each month, we will post short articles to give some depth of understanding regarding our text (see the archive links on the lower right of this page for review). Today we will discuss...


 At the end of World War II the news broke like a bright light in the darkness, this photo of a newspaper from that time sums up the news in Three wonderful words.

In the same way, Paul ends this section that we have been studying for the month of January with the amazing proclamation that God the Father has declared PEACE to you by way of His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are times when our study of the Scriptures and the way we read them, becomes so commonplace and routine that we miss the weight of the Words that are right in front of our face. When we read that we have been given peace from the Father it should definitely be a "WOW!" moment. But, many of us seem to pass right by this groundbreaking word.

To put it into perspective, try to place yourself back to the day the newspaper above was first printed. Years had gone by in which loved ones were sent off to fight and many did not return. Years had gone by when the basic staples of life had been rationed with care. Years had gone by when uncertainty about the war's outcome loomed heavily on many people's minds.

BUT, then the words "PEACE! IT'S OVER" were splashed across the front page and you could breathe a little easier. Things weren't great again yet, but there was hope that great days were coming. Those words stopped people in their tracks and yanked a response out of their heart. I wasn't there, but I doubt there was much indifference that day.

In the same way, Paul wants to remind the Philippians - and you, Christ follower - that God has declared PEACE with us. Paul would say to us, remember the Years that had gone by when you had been at war, in rebellion to God. Remember the years in which you grabbed and grasped for satisfaction and fulfillment, security and happiness from the things of this world, only to be let down and unsatisfied again and again. Remember the times when you would be gripped with those thoughts of uncertainty, "If I died today, what would happen to me - to my soul?"

But, Paul reminds us, Jesus said the Words "FATHER FORGIVE THEM!" and "IT IS FINISHED!"
Paul wants us to remember that feeling when we first realized, recognized - BELIEVED that those words were for us, that peace had been declared for you and for me.
All of a sudden you could breathe a little easier. Things may not have been great in every aspect of your life yet, but there was suddenly hope that great days were coming. Do you remember when those words stopped you in your tracks? I doubt there was much indifference that day.

Before Paul gets into the meat of this letter, he wants us to let our hearts marinate in the comfort and excitement of who we are because of God's Grace and Jesus' life, death, burial and resurrection.

As we study from here on, as the Word works on your heart, there will inevitably be calls for changes in your life. But never think about what you are called to do in order to live within God's design before you take your heart back to the Good news of grace and PEACE to you - TO YOU - from God Our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

A couple more quick notes on Peace in the Christian life:
- WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD: First and foremost, we are given a peace with God. It's unshakable. Jesus bought it, nothing can take it away from those who are really His.

- WE HAVE PEACE WITH ONE ANOTHER (in the CHURCH): Flowing out of our Peace with God, the Holy Spirit connects each one of us by His power and offers us peace with one another.
When Peace is not seen in the local body of believers or among Christians in a region or across the globe, it is almost always because we have allowed sin, selfishness or worldliness to drive a wedge between us. Each of us as individuals and we as a local church are at risk of allowing that to happen, so let's be on guard to protect the peace.

- WE ARE PEACEMAKERS: Jesus promised us in Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." and Paul encouraged us in Romans 12:18 "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." 
It is a worldly reflex to fight back when we are insulted, mocked or otherwise misused. Jesus and Paul are not calling us to be "Doormats" but if we look at how they were treated and if we remember that no servant is greater than his master, than we should at the very least have a gut-check that makes us carefully consider our physical reaction or verbal response. 
Also, we can see this as an area to steep our hearts in prayer about, so that whenever we enter into a new environment, a new conversation or a new exchange we can ask God to allow us to be gentle and peaceable and to bring with us an air of peace. In that way we can be proactive in changing things for the good of God's glory. 

- DO NOT ASSUME PEACE ON EARTH UNTIL JESUS RETURNS: Sadly, until Jesus returns, there will continue to be wars and rumors of wars. Until Jesus comes back, there will be back-biting and slander. Until Jesus comes back, loved ones and family members will break off from us because of our faith. Until Jesus comes back there will be violence of all kinds. 
The key for us is to remember that we are now free to respond to the war of this age with the weapons of love, generosity, compassion and patience.

As we reflect to unbelievers the peace that God brought to us, and as we share the real GOOD NEWS, then we pray that more and more of the lost will be found and that they will be able to read "PEACE! IT'S OVER" in regard to their war against God.